It seems a lot of HB users manage their subscriptions through external platforms (Clickfunnels, Samcart, Kajabi, Podia, Kartra, Systeme, etc) because Heartbeat checkout is very basic.
I understand that sales funnels are more effective for upsells, but for someone who is already inside a free community and want to pay for locked spaces/events certainly it's a better experience to pay inside the Heartbeat/community ecosystem.
Right now, the checkout for paying a subscription looks the same as the onboarding process. Nothing wrong with that, but I think that in an online transaction users prefer a more familiar checkout.
I would love if Heartbeat let us use the same Stripe checkout/layout. It looks cleaner, clearer and more professional (even HB payments use it!)
Other community platforms have adapted their checkouts to look like Stripe, it looks great (screenshot included).