Display timezone on Events
Ted Prodromou
Some of my community want to see the timezone displayed next to the time when I create an Event. Currently it only shows the date and time
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Laura Leber
It would be great to be able to select a timezone when creating events. Our team who drafts our events are spread all across the world while all of our events happen in US-Pacific time. Rather than having our drafters have to convert the time when they are drafting, it would be great if they can select the Pacific timezone and then enter the event time there.
Jay .
An automatic timezone converter would save me many many hours of issues with international clients joining at the wrong time!
Mariae De Leon
Jay .: As far as I know, the time everyone sees is their local time zone. I know this because when I post an event and I specify the time for my community of international members, I get to see my local time zone, but when they add the event to their Google calendar, it adds it to their local time zone. I would love for Nick to confirm this. Nick Barba
Nick Barba
Mariae De Leon: Yes, that's correct :) Everyone sees events in their local timezone and it is added to their calendar based on their timezone. (The .ics event file that is sent with the RSVP confirmation is in the timezone of the event creator.)
Amber Wynn
Mariae De Leon: This is correct, although I have had a recurring issue where event email reminders show in a different time zone. It's on and off, so it would be good to be able to have the option to choose the timezone for events.
Jay .
Mariae De Leon: Either all of my international members can't read the time properly, or it isn't working for them. I always have to post a timezone converter to get them into the meetings at the right time. Tagging Nick Barba to follow up if needed.