I see some people want to have some action or rule after course completion.
But what I think is that it would be great if we have general if/then system that we can use in the platform.
If someone is member for X period then unlock Y content.
If someone bought X and Y then give discount for Z.
If someone is on X pricing plan then unlock Y pricing plan for upgrade or unlock more stuff.
If a person in group X attended evet Y the apply Z action.
Honestly, sky is the limit.
I believe the upcoming gamification system will include such rules in some basic form. Maybe you can think about in that direction how to expand it to more open use and interpretation of the rules.
I hope this idea is useful and I believe it will solve many of the requests here.
P. S.
I use breakdance builder in my sites and I use conditions a lot. They are great for automation and personalization of the experience. That's my inspiration for the idea.