Unable to unconfirm/unjoin event
Misty Dorman
Tried unjoining an event on mobile & nothing happened when tapping the "confirmed"button in Heartbeat.
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Bianca Blanco
You are now able to unconfirm/unRSVP on mobile.
Denice Dal Braccio
I'd like to add to this that if someone does RSVP then needs to unconfirm/unjoin, it should also get removed from their calendar as well. I found if I deleted a test event in Heartbeat, it doesn't remove it from my calendar. We also need a way to notify people if an event is cancelled.
Misty Dorman
Denice Dal Braccio: I don't know if that's possible as Heartbeat isn't aware of what type of calendar they added it to.... might work if they have gmail or outlook email address. 🤷♀️
Mark Reynolds
Denice Dal Braccio: RE: When deleted an event - it would be good if it sent a notification to all members who had Confirmed for that event with instructions to remove from their calendars.
Denice Dal Braccio
Mark Reynolds: Amazing, THANK YOU!!
Janey Carr
Need to be able to do this on desktop, web too. Also a way for admin to unjoin them too